List Of Fake Loan Apps In Nigeria You Should Avoid

In recent years, Nigeria has witnessed rapid growth in the use of mobile applications for various purposes, including financial transactions. While this technological advancement has brought convenience and accessibility to millions of Nigerians, it has also opened the doors to a new wave of fraudulent activities. 

One of the most prevalent forms of financial scams is the emergence of fake loan apps, targeting vulnerable individuals in desperate need of quick and easy access to funds.

This article aims to shed light on the alarming issue of fake loan apps in Nigeria, exposing the deceptive tactics employed by scammers and providing a comprehensive list of these fraudulent applications. By understanding the modus operandi of these illegal entities, users can safeguard themselves from falling victim to their malicious intentions.

The proliferation of fake loan apps has not only led to financial losses but also caused severe emotional distress and reputational damage to unsuspecting individuals. These apps often claim to offer instant loans with minimal documentation requirements, making them appealing to those facing urgent financial crises. 

However, once users submit their personal and banking information, they unknowingly surrender their privacy and become vulnerable to potential identity theft and fraudulent activities.

By raising awareness about these deceptive loan apps, this article aims to equip readers with the knowledge needed to identify and avoid falling into the traps set by scammers. 

It serves as a cautionary guide to protecting innocent Nigerians from becoming victims of financial fraud and educates them about the red flags to watch out for when seeking financial assistance through mobile applications.

Through a detailed examination of the fake loan apps in Nigeria, this article aims to foster a safer digital environment, where individuals can confidently navigate the realm of financial technology without fear of falling prey to malicious actors. By staying informed and vigilant, we can collectively combat this growing menace and ensure that the benefits of technological advancements are harnessed for the betterment of society, rather than being exploited for criminal activities.

LoanMart NG

LoanMart NG is a loan app that has gained notoriety for its fraudulent activities in the lending industry. The app claims to offer quick and easy loans to individuals in need of financial assistance. However, users have reported numerous issues and experiences that have raised concerns about the legitimacy and trustworthiness of LoanMart NG.

One of the most common complaints from users is the excessively high-interest rates charged by LoanMart NG. Borrowers have found themselves burdened with exorbitant interest fees, often far beyond what is considered fair or reasonable. This predatory lending practice has caused financial distress for many unsuspecting individuals who sought assistance through the app.

Another major concern with LoanMart NG is the presence of hidden fees and charges. Users have reported unexpected deductions from their accounts, often without prior notification or explanation. These hidden fees further compound the financial strain on borrowers and make it difficult to accurately predict the total cost of borrowing.

Furthermore, there have been instances of unauthorized deductions from users' accounts by LoanMart NG. This has raised serious concerns about the security of personal and financial information shared with the app. Users have reported cases where funds were deducted from their accounts without their consent or knowledge, leading to financial losses and frustration.

The lack of responsive customer support is another issue reported by users of LoanMart NG. When faced with problems or concerns, borrowers have found it challenging to reach out to customer service representatives for assistance or resolution. This lack of support exacerbates the negative experiences of users and further erodes trust in the app.

Due to these fraudulent activities and unethical lending practices, it is strongly advised to avoid LoanMart NG. Protecting your financial interests and personal information is of utmost importance, and choosing reputable and trustworthy loan apps is essential for a positive borrowing experience.


KashKash is an app that has gained notoriety for its fraudulent lending practices and unethical behavior within the Nigerian lending industry. While it claims to offer quick and convenient loans, users have reported numerous issues and experiences that have raised serious concerns about the legitimacy and trustworthiness of KashKash.

One of the primary issues reported by users is the exorbitant interest rates charged by KashKash. Borrowers have found themselves trapped in a cycle of debt due to the excessively high-interest fees imposed by the app. These interest rates far exceed the industry average and can quickly accumulate, causing financial distress for borrowers.

Furthermore, KashKash has been known to engage in aggressive and unethical debt collection practices. Users have reported instances of harassment, threats, and intimidation from the app's representatives when they are unable to repay their loans on time. 

Such practices are not only unethical but also illegal, and they further contribute to the negative reputation of KashKash.

Additionally, users have complained about the lack of transparency and hidden charges associated with KashKash loans. Many borrowers have reported unexpected deductions from their accounts, often without clear explanations or prior notifications. These hidden fees can significantly increase the overall cost of borrowing and cause financial strain for individuals who were already struggling to repay their loans.

Another concerning aspect of KashKash is the unauthorized access to personal and financial information. Users have reported instances of their data being shared with third parties without their consent, leading to potential privacy breaches and identity theft risks. Such breaches of trust further erode confidence in KashKash and highlight the importance of choosing reputable and secure loan apps.

Given these fraudulent activities and unethical lending practices, it is strongly advised to avoid KashKash. Protecting your financial interests and personal information is paramount, and selecting reliable and reputable loan apps is crucial for a positive borrowing experience.

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LoanHub is a loan app that has gained notoriety for its fraudulent activities and deceptive practices in the lending industry. It presents itself as a platform offering quick and accessible loans to individuals in need of financial assistance. However, users have reported numerous issues and experiences that have raised serious concerns about the legitimacy and trustworthiness of LoanHub.

One of the major red flags associated with LoanHub is its requirement for upfront fees or payments before loan disbursement. Legitimate loan providers typically deduct any applicable fees or charges from the loan amount, rather than requesting upfront payments. This practice of asking borrowers to pay fees before receiving their loans is a common tactic used by fraudulent loan apps to deceive and defraud unsuspecting individuals.

Furthermore, LoanHub has been known to engage in aggressive and unethical debt collection practices. Users have reported instances of harassment, threats, and intimidation from the app's representatives when they are unable to repay their loans on time. 

Such practices are not only illegal but also indicate a lack of professionalism and ethical conduct on the part of LoanHub.

Additionally, users have reported issues with the app's customer service and support. Many borrowers have struggled to reach out to LoanHub's customer service representatives for assistance or to address their concerns. The lack of responsive customer support further exacerbates the negative experiences of users and suggests a lack of accountability and transparency on the part of LoanHub.

Moreover, LoanHub has been associated with unauthorized access to personal and financial information. Users have reported cases of their data being shared with third parties without their consent, raising serious privacy and security concerns. Protecting personal information is crucial, and entrusting it to a fraudulent app like LoanHub can have serious consequences, including identity theft and financial fraud.

Considering these fraudulent activities and unethical lending practices, it is strongly advised to avoid LoanHub. Protecting your financial interests and personal information should be a top priority, and choosing reputable and trustworthy loan apps is essential for a positive borrowing experience.


LoanConnect is a loan app that has gained notoriety for its fraudulent activities and deceptive practices within the Nigerian lending industry. While it claims to offer quick and easy access to loans, users have reported numerous issues and experiences that raise serious concerns about the legitimacy and reliability of LoanConnect.

One of the key issues reported by users is the lack of transparency in LoanConnect's lending process. The app often fails to provide clear and detailed information regarding interest rates, repayment terms, and fees associated with the loans. This lack of transparency can lead to borrowers being unaware of the actual cost of the loan and can result in unexpected financial burdens.

Another concerning aspect of LoanConnect is its request for personal and financial information during the application process. Users have reported instances of their data being misused or shared with unauthorized third parties without their consent. This not only compromises the privacy and security of users but also exposes them to potential identity theft and fraud.

Additionally, LoanConnect has been associated with deceptive advertising practices. The app often makes false promises of guaranteed loan approvals or offers loans without performing proper credit checks. Such misleading tactics are aimed at attracting vulnerable individuals who may be in urgent need of funds but can result in borrowers being trapped in high-interest loans or becoming victims of scams.

Moreover, LoanConnect has been known to engage in aggressive debt collection practices. Users have reported instances of harassment, threats, and intimidation from the app's representatives when they are unable to repay their loans on time. These practices are not only unethical but also illegal and can cause significant distress and harm to borrowers.

Given these fraudulent activities and deceptive practices, it is strongly advised to avoid LoanConnect. Protecting your financial interests and personal information is crucial, and choosing reputable and trustworthy loan apps is essential for a positive borrowing experience.


LoanGuru is a loan app that has gained a reputation for its fraudulent activities and unethical practices within the Nigerian lending industry. While it presents itself as a legitimate platform offering quick and convenient loans, users have reported numerous issues and experiences that raise serious concerns about the credibility and trustworthiness of LoanGuru.

One of the major red flags associated with LoanGuru is its requirement for upfront fees or payments before loan disbursement. Legitimate loan providers typically deduct any applicable fees or charges from the loan amount, rather than requesting upfront payments. 

This practice of asking borrowers to pay fees in advance is a common tactic used by fraudulent loan apps to deceive and defraud unsuspecting individuals.

Furthermore, LoanGuru has been known to engage in deceptive advertising and marketing tactics. The app often makes false promises of guaranteed loan approvals, low-interest rates, and flexible repayment terms. These misleading claims are aimed at attracting individuals in need of financial assistance but can result in borrowers being trapped in high-cost loans or becoming victims of scams.

Additionally, users have reported issues with LoanGuru's customer service and support. Many borrowers have struggled to reach out to the app's customer service representatives for assistance or to address their concerns. The lack of responsive customer support further exacerbates the negative experiences of users and indicates a lack of accountability and professionalism on the part of LoanGuru.

Moreover, LoanGuru has been associated with unauthorized access to personal and financial information. Users have reported cases of their data being shared with third parties without their consent, raising serious privacy and security concerns. Protecting personal information is crucial, and entrusting it to a fraudulent app like LoanGuru can have severe consequences, including identity theft and financial fraud.

Considering these fraudulent activities and unethical lending practices, it is strongly advised to avoid LoanGuru. Protecting your financial interests and personal information should be a top priority, and choosing reputable and trustworthy loan apps is essential for a positive borrowing experience.


FastCash is a loan app that has gained notoriety for its fraudulent practices and deceptive tactics within the Nigerian lending industry. Despite claiming to provide quick and convenient loans, users have reported numerous issues and experiences that raise serious concerns about the legitimacy and reliability of FastCash.

One of the main red flags associated with FastCash is its request for upfront fees or payments before loan disbursement. Legitimate loan providers do not typically require borrowers to pay any fees in advance. The practice of asking for upfront payments is a common tactic used by fraudulent loan apps to deceive individuals and extract money from them without providing the promised loan.

Moreover, FastCash has been known to engage in misleading advertising and marketing strategies. The app often makes false promises of guaranteed loan approvals, low-interest rates, and flexible repayment terms. These deceptive claims are designed to attract vulnerable individuals who are in need of funds but can lead to borrowers being trapped in high-cost loans or becoming victims of scams.

Additionally, users have reported difficulties in accessing customer support and resolving issues with FastCash. The app's customer service is often unresponsive or unavailable, leaving borrowers without proper assistance or a channel to address their concerns. This lack of customer support raises questions about the app's credibility and its commitment to providing a reliable lending service.

Furthermore, FastCash has been associated with unauthorized sharing of personal and financial information. Users have reported instances where their data has been shared with unauthorized third parties without their consent. 

This not only compromises the privacy and security of users but also exposes them to potential identity theft and fraudulent activities.

Considering these fraudulent practices and deceptive tactics, it is strongly advised to avoid FastCash. Protecting your financial interests and personal information is of utmost importance, and choosing reputable and trustworthy loan apps is essential for a positive and secure borrowing experience.


What are the fake loan apps in Nigeria 2023?

Some of the fake loan apps in Nigeria 2023, are those that have been listed above, such as loan guru.

Which loan app is banned in Nigeria?

There are several loan apps in Nigeria that have been banned for one reason or the other such as violating CBN fees, exorbitant interest rates, etc. Some of them that have been banned include, fastcash.

What are the predatory loan apps in Nigeria?

Predatory loan apps are those that engage in unethical lending practices, taking advantage of borrowers by imposing excessively high-interest rates, hidden fees, or engaging in aggressive debt collection. 

Which Loan Apps are Removed From the Play Store in Nigeria?

Some of the loan apps that have been removed from Playstore include, loanguru. 

What happens when you don't pay loan apps?

When you don't pay loan apps, the consequences can include persistent reminders and collection efforts from the loan app or debt collection agencies. They may contact you through phone calls, emails, or text messages, urging you to repay the loan. 

Failure to repay can also result in the loan app reporting your delinquency to credit bureaus, which can negatively impact your credit score. 

This may make it more difficult for you to obtain future loans or credit. In some cases, loan apps may take legal action against borrowers who default on their loans, which can lead to court proceedings and potential judgments against you. 

It's important to carefully review the loan agreement and understand your obligations before taking out a loan to avoid these consequences.


In conclusion, the existence of fake loan apps in Nigeria highlights the importance of vigilance and research when seeking financial assistance through digital platforms. While I cannot provide an up-to-date list of fake loan apps, it is crucial to stay informed about reported scams and fraudulent activities. 

Conduct thorough research, read user reviews, and verify the legitimacy of loan apps before providing any personal or financial information. Additionally, it is advisable to rely on established and reputable financial institutions or well-known loan apps with a proven track record. By taking these precautions, individuals can mitigate the risk of falling victim to fake loan apps and protect themselves from potential financial losses or identity theft.

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