How to Remove Palmpay Security Plugin and Watermark on Android Phones

The Palmpay security plugin is a reminder plugin, that comes with the palmpay app. Which constantly reminds you to clear up your outstanding debt. 

If you do not pay up your debt, the plugin will place a watermark on your phone's screen, and might eventually make your phone useless to you, if you fail to pay up the debt. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of removing the Palmpay security plugin and watermark from your Android phone. 

What Is Palmpay Security Plugin

Palmpay Security Plugin is an additional feature embedded within the Palmpay mobile payment application that serves as a reminder tool. It is designed to provide users with timely notifications, reminding them to pay off any outstanding debts or financial obligations. This plugin acts as a proactive tool to ensure users stay on top of their financial responsibilities and maintain a healthy financial record.

The Palmpay Security Plugin serves as a constant reminder on the user's Android phone, displaying notifications that prompt them to settle any outstanding payments. By keeping users informed and accountable, the plugin aims to facilitate responsible financial management and encourage timely repayments.

How to Remove Palmpay Security Plugin and Watermark on Android Phones

To remove the Palmpay security plugin and watermark from your Android phone, follow these simple steps:

  • Pay off your outstanding loan: Before proceeding with the removal process, ensure that you have paid off any outstanding loans associated with Palmpay. This ensures a smooth transition without any pending financial obligations.
  • Open the Settings app on your Android phone: Locate the Settings app, usually represented by a gear icon, on your device's home screen or app drawer.
  • Tap on "Apps & notifications": Scroll down or navigate to the "Apps & notifications" section within the Settings menu.
  • Find and select Palmpay: Look for the Palmpay app among the list of installed applications on your phone.
  • Tap on "Permissions": Within the Palmpay app settings, locate the "Permissions" option.
  • Toggle off the Security plugin: Locate the Security plugin option within the permissions settings and switch the toggle off to disable it.
  • Uninstall Palmpay: Tap on the "Uninstall" button to remove the Palmpay app from your Android device.
  • Confirm the uninstallation: A confirmation prompt will appear, asking you to confirm the uninstallation. Tap on "Uninstall" again to proceed.

Once you have completed these steps, the Palmpay security plugin and watermark will be successfully removed from your Android phone. You can now enjoy a personalized device interface without the reminder notifications or watermarks associated with the Palmpay app.


How do I uninstall PalmPay security plugin?

To uninstall the PalmPay security plugin, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap on Apps & notifications.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Palmpay.
  4. Tap on Permissions.
  5. Tap on Toggle off next to Security plugin.
  6. Tap on Uninstall.
  7. Tap on Uninstall again to confirm.

Once you have followed these steps, the Palmpay security plugin will be uninstalled from your Android phone.

How do I remove PalmPay security from my phone?

To remove PalmPay security from your phone, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall the PalmPay security plugin as shown above.
  2. Clear the Palmpay app's data and cache. To do this, go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Palmpay > Storage > Clear data and Clear cache.
  3. Restart your phone.

Once you have followed these steps, the Palmpay security plugin and any associated data will be removed from your phone.

How do I remove plugins from my Android phone?

To remove plugins from your Android phone, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap on Apps & notifications.
  3. Scroll down and tap on Manage apps & widgets.
  4. Tap on See all apps.
  5. Scroll down and tap on the plugin that you want to remove.
  6. Tap on Uninstall.
  7. Tap on Uninstall again to confirm.

Once you have followed these steps, the plugin will be removed from your Android phone.

How can I remove security plugin from my device?

To remove a security plugin from your device, you will need to follow the instructions that came with the plugin. In most cases, you will need to uninstall the plugin from your device's app store or settings menu.

Why is security plugin on my phone?

The security plugin on your phone may be there for a number of reasons. It could be a security measure that was installed by your phone's manufacturer or carrier. It could also be a plugin that you installed yourself to add extra security to your phone.

If you are not sure why the security plugin is on your phone, you can contact your phone's manufacturer or carrier for more information.


In conclusion, removing the Palmpay security plugin and watermark from your Android phone is a straightforward process that allows you to customize your device according to your preferences. By following the provided steps, you can eliminate the reminder notifications and watermarks associated with the Palmpay app, providing a more personalized user experience.

Paying off any outstanding loans associated with Palmpay is the first step before proceeding with the removal

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