How to Cancel Pending Transaction on MetaMask in 2023

Are you having trouble with a pending transaction on MetaMask in 2023? Don't worry, you are not alone! Many people have experienced this issue and are looking for ways to cancel the pending transaction. Cancelling pending transactions can be a tricky process but, with the right information, it can be done. 

In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps you need to take to cancel a pending transaction on MetaMask in 2023. We will provide detailed instructions and tips that will make the process easier and smoother. With our help, you will be able to cancel your pending transaction quickly and efficiently. So don't worry - follow our guide and you will be back to making transactions in no time!

Reasons For Pending Transaction On MetaMask

The below are reasons for pending transactions on MetaMask.

  • Insufficient Gas: One of the common reasons for pending transactions on MetaMask is when there is not enough gas provided to execute the transaction. Gas is the unit that measures the computational effort required to process a transaction on the Ethereum network. If the gas limit set for the transaction is too low, the transaction may remain pending until more gas is provided.
  • Network Congestion: Another reason for pending transactions is network congestion. When there is a high volume of transactions being processed on the Ethereum network, it can lead to delays in transaction confirmation. This often occurs during periods of high activity or when there is a surge in demand for decentralized applications (dApps) or transactions.
  • Nonce Issues: Each transaction on the Ethereum network has a unique nonce, which is a sequential number that ensures the transactions are processed in the correct order. If there are issues with the nonce, such as a skipped or duplicated nonce, it can cause the transaction to become stuck and remain pending.
  • Smart Contract Interactions: Interacting with smart contracts can sometimes result in pending transactions. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with predefined rules written in code. If there are issues with the code or if the contract is experiencing congestion, it can cause delays in transaction processing.
  • Incorrect Gas Price: Setting the correct gas price is essential for transaction execution. If the gas price is set too low, it may result in a pending transaction. On the other hand, setting the gas price too high may result in unnecessarily high transaction fees. Finding the right balance is important to avoid pending transactions.

These are some of the common reasons for pending transactions on MetaMask. By understanding these reasons, users can take appropriate measures to avoid or resolve pending transactions and ensure smoother transaction processing on the Ethereum network.

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How to Cancel Pending Transactions on MetaMask in 2023

There are two easy ways to do it:

Method 1: Use the Cancel Button

  • Open the MetaMask app on your device.
  • Tap on the "Activity" tab. It's like your transaction history.
  • Find the transaction that's pending and needs canceling.
  • Tap the "Cancel" button right next to it.
  • Confirm that you want to cancel the transaction.

Method 2: Reset the Nonce (For Trickier Situations)

  • Open the MetaMask app.
  • Go to the "Settings" part.
  • Look for "Advanced" and tap on it.
  • You'll see "Advanced gas controls." Find "Customize transaction nonce" and turn it on.
  • Now, press the "Reset nonce" button.
  • Confirm that you really want to do this.

Remember, not all pending transactions can be canceled. Once a transaction is done, it can't be taken back. So, be quick if you need to cancel.

Common Problems When Cancelling a Pending Transaction

  • Transaction Already Mined: One common problem that users may encounter when trying to cancel a pending transaction on MetaMask is that the transaction has already been mined and included in a block on the Ethereum blockchain. Once a transaction is included in a block, it becomes irreversible, and there is no way to cancel or reverse it. Therefore, it is important to act quickly and try to cancel the pending transaction before it is confirmed and included in a block.
  • Insufficient Gas for Cancellation: Another problem that may arise when attempting to cancel a pending transaction is not providing enough gas to cover the cancellation fee. When cancelling a transaction, MetaMask requires users to pay a cancellation fee to incentivize miners to include the cancellation transaction in the blockchain. If the gas limit set for the cancellation transaction is too low, it may result in the cancellation transaction remaining pending or failing to be processed. It is essential to ensure that enough gas is provided to cover the cancellation fee.
  • Network Congestion and Delayed Cancellation: Just as network congestion can cause delays in transaction confirmation, it can also affect the cancellation of pending transactions. During periods of high activity on the Ethereum network, it may take longer for cancellation transactions to be included in blocks and processed. This can lead to extended waiting times and frustration for users trying to cancel their pending transactions. It is important to be patient and allow enough time for the cancellation transaction to be processed, especially during times of high network congestion.
  • Nonce Issues in Cancellation: Similar to nonce issues causing transactions to become stuck and pending, they can also impact the cancellation process. If there are nonce conflicts or inconsistencies between the pending transaction and the cancellation transaction, it can result in both transactions remaining pending or failing to be processed. To avoid nonce issues, users should ensure that the cancellation transaction has a unique and sequential nonce that corresponds to the pending transaction they want to cancel.
  • Limited Control over Miners' Behavior: When attempting to cancel a pending transaction, users rely on miners to include their cancellation transaction in a block. However, users have limited control over miners' behavior and decision-making processes. 

Miners prioritize transactions based on various factors, such as gas price and transaction size. It is possible that even with a sufficiently high gas fee, miners may choose not to include the cancellation transaction in a block, resulting in the pending transaction remaining stuck. This lack of control over miners' behavior can be a challenge when trying to cancel pending transactions on MetaMask.


How do I force cancel MetaMask transaction?

To force cancel a MetaMask transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Open the MetaMask app.
  2. Go to the Activity tab.
  3. Find the pending transaction that you want to cancel.
  4. Click on the Cancel button.
  5. Confirm that you want to cancel the transaction.

How do I reset a pending transaction in MetaMask?

To reset a pending transaction in MetaMask, follow these steps:

  1. Open the MetaMask app.
  2. Go to the Settings tab.
  3. Click on Advanced.
  4. Scroll down to the Advanced Gas Controls section.
  5. Toggle on the Customize transaction nonce option.
  6. Click on the Reset nonce button.
  7. Confirm that you want to reset the nonce.

Can pending transactions be Cancelled?

Yes, pending transactions can be canceled in MetaMask. However, it is important to note that not all pending transactions can be canceled. If a transaction has already been confirmed on the blockchain, it cannot be canceled.

How long can a pending transaction stay pending?

The length of time that a pending transaction can stay pending depends on a number of factors, including the current network congestion and the gas price that was set for the transaction. In general, pending transactions should be confirmed within a few minutes. However, if the network is congested or the gas price is too low, the transaction may stay pending for longer.

How do I cancel a pending transaction I didn't make?

If you see a pending transaction in your MetaMask wallet that you didn't make, it is possible that your wallet has been compromised. In this case, you should immediately reset your MetaMask wallet and contact your wallet provider for assistance.


In this blog post, we discussed the reasons for pending transactions on MetaMask and provided a step-by-step guide on how to cancel these transactions in 2023. We highlighted some of the common problems that users may encounter when attempting to cancel pending transactions, such as transactions already being mined, insufficient gas for cancellation, network congestion, nonce issues, and limited control over miners' behavior. 

Canceling a pending transaction can be frustrating, but it's important to act quickly and provide enough gas to cover the cancellation fee. Network congestion and nonce issues can also cause delays in the cancellation process. Additionally, users have limited control over miners' decision-making processes, which can impact the cancellation of pending transactions.

By understanding these challenges and following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can regain control over your transactions and avoid unnecessary frustration. It's important to stay patient and allow enough time for the cancellation transaction to be processed, especially during periods of high network congestion.

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