How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Easemoni Account Easily

EaseMoni offers loans ranging from NGN 3,000 to NGN 100,000 with a repayment period of 30 to 90 days. The interest rate on EaseMoni loans is 1% per day, which is relatively high compared to other lenders. However, EaseMoni does not require any collateral or guarantors for its loans, which makes it a good option for individuals with poor credit history. 

In this blog post, we'll walk you through the simple process of closing, deleting or deactivating your Easemoni account so that you can take control of your data and privacy.

Why You Might Want to Close, Delete or Deactivate Your Easemoni Account 

There could be various reasons why someone might want to close, delete, or deactivate their Easemoni account. Here are some common reasons:

  • Financial Reasons: If you're no longer using Easemoni's services or find them too expensive, you may want to close your account to avoid unnecessary fees or charges.
  • Privacy Concerns: If you have concerns about the security of your personal or financial information on Easemoni, you may choose to close your account to protect your privacy.
  • Switching to a Different Service: You might have found an alternative financial service or platform that better suits your needs, prompting you to close your Easemoni account.
  • Inactivity: If you haven't used your Easemoni account for an extended period, it may make sense to close it to avoid any potential security risks or account-related issues.
  • Account Cleanup: Some individuals prefer to keep their digital footprint minimal and close accounts they no longer use to declutter their online presence.

How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Easemoni Account Easily

Closing, deleting, or deactivating your Easemoni account is a straightforward process that gives you control over your data and privacy. Follow these simple steps to take charge of your account:

  1. Log in to your Easemoni account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the account settings or profile section.
  3. Look for the option to close, delete, or deactivate your account. It may be labeled differently depending on the platform.
  4. Read any prompts or notifications that may appear, as they may contain important information about the process.
  5. Confirm your decision to close, delete, or deactivate your account.
  6. Follow any additional steps or instructions provided, such as verifying your decision via email.
  7. Once you've completed the process, double-check that your account has been closed, deleted, or deactivated by trying to log in again.

Remember to review any terms and conditions related to closing, deleting, or deactivating your Easemoni account, as this may affect your access to any associated services or data. By following these steps, you'll regain control over your Easemoni account and protect your privacy.

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Things to Keep in Mind When Closing, Deleting or Deactivating Your Easemoni Account 

When closing, deleting, or deactivating your Easemoni account, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Review Terms and Policies: Carefully read and understand Easemoni's terms of service, privacy policy, and account closure policy. These documents may outline specific procedures and consequences related to account closure.

  • Withdraw Funds: If your Easemoni account holds any funds or balances, ensure that you withdraw them before initiating the closure process. This will prevent any funds from being left behind or lost.
  • Outstanding Obligations: If you have any outstanding obligations or debts with Easemoni, such as loans or payments, settle them before closing your account to avoid any adverse consequences or additional charges.


How do I delete my details from EaseMoni app?

To delete your details from the EaseMoni app, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the EaseMoni app.
  2. Tap on the "Profile" icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and tap on "Settings".
  4. Tap on "Delete Account".
  5. Enter your password and tap on "Delete Account" again to confirm.

How do I stop loan app from accessing my contacts?

To stop a loan app from accessing your contacts, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to your phone's settings.
  2. Tap on "Permissions".
  3. Tap on "Contacts".
  4. Find the loan app and toggle off the "Contacts" permission.

What happens when you don't pay your EaseMoni loan?

If you don't pay your EaseMoni loan, you will be charged late fees and interest. Your account may also be blacklisted, which means that you will not be able to borrow money from EaseMoni or other lenders in the future.

In some cases, EaseMoni may also take legal action against you.

What is the maximum loan amount for EaseMoni?

The maximum loan amount for EaseMoni is NGN 100,000. However, the amount you are eligible for will depend on your income and credit history.

Can I borrow 100k from FairMoney?

Yes, you can borrow 100k from FairMoney. FairMoney offers loans ranging from NGN 3,000 to NGN 100,000. However, the amount you are eligible for will depend on your income and credit history.

To apply for a loan from FairMoney, you will need to provide your name, email address, phone number, bank account details, and a valid ID. You will also need to take a selfie and a video of yourself.

FairMoney loans are approved within minutes and the funds are disbursed directly to your bank account. You can repay your loan through the FairMoney app or by bank transfer.


In closing, closing, deleting, or deactivating your Easemoni account is a simple process that puts you in control of your data and privacy. Whether you're concerned about privacy, decluttering your online presence, or taking a break from Easemoni, the steps to close, delete, or deactivate your account are easy to follow. Remember to review any terms and conditions related to the process and back up any important data before proceeding. Consider any subscriptions or services connected to your Easemoni account and make sure to cancel or transfer them as necessary. By taking these factors into account, you'll be well-prepared to navigate the process smoothly. Take control of your Easemoni account today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your data and privacy are in your hands.


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