How To Deactivate, Close or Delete FCMB Mobile app and Internet banking Account

Managing your finances online has become increasingly convenient. However, there may come a time when you need to deactivate, close, or delete your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account. This could be due to various reasons, such as inactivity, switching banks, privacy concerns, or simplifying your financial management.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of deactivating, closing, or deleting your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account. We'll provide you with step-by-step instructions to make the process quick and hassle-free.

Reasons for Deactivating or Closing FCMB Mobile App and Internet Banking Account 

Here are a few reasons:

  1. Account Inactivity: If you haven't used your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account for a long time, it may be more convenient to deactivate or close it. This will help you avoid any potential security risks and save you from unnecessary notifications.
  2. Switching Banks: If you've decided to switch to a different bank, you may want to deactivate or close your FCMB account to streamline your finances and avoid confusion.
  3. Privacy Concerns: If you have concerns about your personal information and privacy, deactivating or closing your FCMB account can provide you with peace of mind.
  4. Simplifying Your Financial Management: Having multiple banking accounts can sometimes be overwhelming. By deactivating or closing your FCMB account, you can simplify your financial management and focus on a single banking institution.

Remember, before making any decisions, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons and consider your specific circumstances. Now that you know the reasons, let's move on to how you can deactivate, close, or delete your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account.

How To Deactivate, Close or Delete FCMB Mobile app and Internet banking Account  

Now that you understand the reasons why you might want to deactivate, close, or delete your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account, let's dive into the steps you can take to complete the process.

  1. Contact Customer Support: The first step is to reach out to FCMB customer support. They will guide you through the necessary steps and provide you with the specific requirements for deactivating, closing, or deleting your account. They may ask you to provide some personal identification details to ensure the security of your account.
  2. Clear Pending Transactions: Before deactivating or closing your account, make sure to clear any pending transactions. This will help avoid any potential issues or complications during the account closure process.
  3. Transfer or Withdraw Funds: Next, transfer or withdraw any funds remaining in your account. Make sure to check for any automatic bill payments or subscriptions linked to your FCMB account and update them with your new banking information if necessary.
  4. Cancel Direct Debits: If you have any direct debits linked to your FCMB account, it's essential to cancel them. This will prevent any future transactions from being debited from your account.
  5. Submit a Request: Finally, submit a formal request to deactivate, close, or delete your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account. Follow the instructions provided by FCMB customer support to ensure your request is processed correctly.

 Read Also: How To Deactivate, Close or Delete Eversend Account

By following these steps, you can easily and efficiently deactivate, close, or delete your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account. Remember to stay in touch with FCMB customer support throughout the process to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Things to Consider Before Deactivating or Closing Your FCMB Account  

Before you make the decision to deactivate, close, or delete your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account, there are a few important factors to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Review Account Terms: Take the time to carefully read through the terms and conditions of your FCMB account. This will ensure you understand any potential fees, penalties, or consequences associated with deactivating or closing your account.
  2. Explore Alternatives: Consider if there are any alternatives to deactivating or closing your account. For example, you may be able to suspend certain features or services temporarily instead of completely shutting down your account.
  3. Account Balances and Liabilities: Assess your current financial situation and any outstanding balances or liabilities tied to your FCMB account. Make sure to settle any dues or obligations before closing the account to avoid any negative consequences.
  4. Transfer Automatic Payments: If you have any recurring automatic payments linked to your FCMB account, be sure to update your banking information with the respective companies or service providers. This will ensure uninterrupted payment schedules and prevent any late fees or penalties.
  5. Seek Professional Advice: If you're uncertain about the impact of deactivating or closing your FCMB account, consider consulting a financial advisor. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances and help you make an informed decision.

Remember, every individual's financial situation is unique, so it's crucial to carefully evaluate your specific needs and circumstances before deciding to deactivate, close, or delete your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account.


How do I close a mobile banking app?

Closing or logging out of a mobile banking app is typically a straightforward process:

  • Open the FCMB mobile banking app on your device.
  • Navigate to the settings or profile section within the app.
  • Look for an option related to log out or deactivation.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the log out or deactivation.

This action will terminate your session in the FCMB mobile banking app on the specific device you're using.

How can I reactivate my FCMB mobile app?

To reactivate your FCMB mobile app, you can follow these general steps:

  • Ensure you have the latest version of the FCMB mobile app installed on your device.
  • Open the app and attempt to log in.
  • If your account has been temporarily locked or deactivated, the app should provide you with instructions for reactivation.
  • Follow the provided instructions, which may involve verifying your identity and resetting your login credentials.

For personalized assistance with reactivation, it's advisable to contact FCMB's customer support.

How can I deactivate net banking?

Deactivating net banking with FCMB typically involves contacting the bank's customer support or visiting a branch. The specific process may vary, but generally:

  • Contact FCMB's customer service through their official channels to request net banking deactivation.
  • Be prepared to provide identification and account details for verification.
  • Complete any necessary forms or follow the instructions provided by FCMB.
  • Confirm the deactivation of net banking services with FCMB.

How do I block FCMB mobile banking?

To block or restrict access to the FCMB mobile banking app on your device, you can enable device-level security features, such as setting a PIN or using biometric authentication (if supported by the app and your device). These security measures prevent unauthorized access to the app on your specific device.

How do I remove a registered device from FCMB?

Removing a registered device from your FCMB mobile banking account may require contacting FCMB's customer support. They will guide you through the process of unlinking or deactivating the device from your account for security purposes.


In this blog post, we have provided you with clear step-by-step instructions on how to deactivate, close, or delete your FCMB Mobile app and internet banking account. We discussed the various reasons why you might want to take this step, including account inactivity, switching banks, privacy concerns, and simplifying your financial management.

By following these steps and considering these factors, you can confidently take control of your FCMB account and streamline your financial management.

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