How To Deactivate, Close or Delete Easemoni Account

Whether you need to send money, track your finances, or access credit, Easemoni has been there for you. But sometimes, things change, and you might want to say goodbye to your Easemoni account. 

In this post, we'll walk you through the steps you need to take to deactivate, close, or delete your Easemoni account. We'll explain the differences between each option and help you make the best decision for you. So, let's get started.

Why You Might Want to Deactivate, Close, or Delete Your Easemoni Account 

There are several reasons why you might want to make this decision. 

  1. Privacy Concerns: If you're concerned about your personal information and data privacy, deactivating, closing, or deleting your Easemoni account can help safeguard your sensitive information.
  2. Inactivity: If you no longer use Easemoni or find its services beneficial, closing or deleting your account can help declutter your digital life.
  3. Security: In the event of a security breach or if you suspect unauthorized access to your account, it's best to take action by closing or deleting your Easemoni account to protect yourself from potential harm.
  4. Account Management: Simplifying your online presence by closing unnecessary accounts, including Easemoni, can make it easier to manage and maintain your active accounts.
  5. Personal Preference: Ultimately, the decision to deactivate, close, or delete your Easemoni account comes down to personal preference. If you no longer find value in the platform or have other reasons specific to your situation, it's your choice to take this step.

Consider these factors and decide if deactivating, closing, or deleting your Easemoni account is the right move for you. In the following sections, we'll guide you through the steps to complete each action.

How To Deactivate, Close or Delete Easemoni Account 

If you've made the decision to deactivate, close, or delete your Easemoni account, we're here to help you through the process. Follow these steps to take the necessary actions:

  1. Deactivate Your Account:
  • Log in to your Easemoni account.
  • Go to the account settings or preferences section.
  • Look for the option to deactivate your account.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the deactivation process.
  1. Close Your Account:
  • Log in to your Easemoni account.
  • Go to the account settings or preferences section.
  • Locate the option to close your account.
  • Carefully read any information or warnings provided.
  • Confirm your decision to close your account.
  1. Delete Your Account:
  • Log in to your Easemoni account.
  • Go to the account settings or preferences section.
  • Find the option to permanently delete your account.
  • Review the information and warnings about deleting your account.
  • Confirm your decision and proceed with the deletion process.

Remember to take any necessary precautions, such as downloading or backing up any important data before closing or deleting your account.

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What Happens After You Deactivate, Close, or Delete Your Easemoni Account? 

After you deactivate, close, or delete your Easemoni account, there are a few things that happen:

  1. Account Suspension: When you deactivate your Easemoni account, it will be temporarily suspended. This means that your profile, activity, and personal information will be hidden from other users, but you can reactivate your account at any time by simply logging back in.
  2. Account Closure: If you choose to close your Easemoni account, all of your data, including your profile, activity, and personal information, will be permanently deleted from the platform. This means that you will no longer have access to any of your previous information on Easemoni.
  3. Account Deletion: Deleting your Easemoni account is similar to closing it, but with a few additional steps. When you delete your account, all of your data is permanently removed from the platform, and it cannot be recovered. This includes your profile, activity, and personal information.


Consider these consequences before making your decision, and make sure to backup or save any important data before taking action.


How do I delete my EaseMoni loan account?

To delete your EaseMoni loan account, you will need to contact EaseMoni customer support by phone or email.

How can I delete my account from EaseMoni app?

You cannot delete your EaseMoni account from the app. You will need to contact EaseMoni customer support to delete your account.

How do I remove my details from loan app?

To remove your details from a loan app, you will need to contact the loan app directly. Each loan app has its own process for removing user data, so you will need to check with the loan app for specific instructions.

Is EaseMoni a legit loan app?

Yes, EaseMoni is a legit loan app. EaseMoni is licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and is a member of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC).

What happens when you don't pay your Easemoni loan?

If you don't pay your EaseMoni loan, you will be charged late fees and interest. EaseMoni may also report you to the credit bureaus, which could damage your credit score. In severe cases, EaseMoni may take legal action against you.


In this post, we've provided you with a step-by-step guide on how to deactivate, close, or delete your Easemoni account. We discussed the reasons why you might want to take these actions, such as privacy concerns, inactivity, security, account management, and personal preference. 

We then walked you through the process of deactivating, closing, or deleting your account, providing clear instructions for each option. We also emphasized the importance of taking precautions, such as downloading or backing up any important data before closing or deleting your account.

Lastly, we explained what happens after you deactivate, close, or delete your Easemoni account. Whether your account is temporarily suspended, permanently closed, or completely deleted, it's crucial to understand the consequences and be aware that you will lose any connections, messages, or content associated with your account.

Now that you have all the information you need, you can make an informed decision on whether to deactivate, close, or delete your Easemoni account. Remember, it's your choice, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

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