How Much Can Opay Account Hold Without BVN?

OPay is a well-known choice for many. But there's a common question: "How much money can you keep in your OPay Account without having a BVN?" BVN stands for Bank Verification Number, and it's essential to know the rules about it.  In this blog post, we will explore the answer to this question.

Why You Need BVN For Your Opay Account 

Why You Need BVN For Your Opay Account:

  • Enhanced Security: Adding your Bank Verification Number (BVN) to your Opay account adds an extra layer of security to your funds. With BVN, your account is linked directly to your personal identification details, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access your account or perform fraudulent transactions.

  • Compliance with Regulations: In many countries, including Nigeria where Opay operates, it is mandatory for financial institutions to collect BVN as part of their customer identification process. By adding your BVN to your Opay account, you ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and avoid any potential issues or restrictions on your account.

  • Access to Full Features: Some features and services offered by Opay may only be available to users who have added their BVN. These features could include higher transaction limits, additional financial products, or exclusive rewards and promotions. By linking your BVN, you can take full advantage of all the benefits that Opay has to offer.

  • Verification of Identity: Adding your BVN helps to verify your identity and ensure that you are the rightful owner of the account. This not only protects your account from unauthorized access but also helps to build trust and credibility with Opay and its partners.

Adding your BVN to your Opay account is a simple and straightforward process that can greatly enhance the security and functionality of your account. Don't wait, take the necessary steps to link your BVN today and enjoy a seamless and secure digital payment experience with Opay.

How Much Can Opay Account Hold Without BVN? 

An OPay account without a BVN can hold up to 50,000 Naira (NGN). However, there are restrictions on certain transactions, such as sending money to other OPay users, withdrawing money from your account, and receiving money from other OPay users or businesses. These restrictions are in place to comply with regulatory and security measures.

How To Add BVN To Your Opay Account 

Adding your BVN to your Opay account is a simple and straightforward process that can be done in just a few easy steps. Here's how you can link your BVN to your Opay account:

  1. Open the Opay app on your smartphone and log in to your account.

  2. Navigate to the settings or account settings section of the app.

  3. Look for an option to add or link your BVN.

  4. Enter your BVN in the designated field.

  5. Verify your BVN by providing any additional information that may be required.

  6. Review and confirm the information you have provided.

  7. Submit your request to link your BVN to your Opay account.

Once you have completed these steps, Opay will process your request and link your BVN to your account. It is important to note that the verification process may take some time, so be patient while Opay confirms your details.

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What is the limit of OPay?

The transaction limits on OPay can vary depending on the type and verification level of your account. To know your specific limits, it's best to check with OPay customer support or review the terms and conditions on their official website.

How much can OPay Tier 2 receive at once?

The maximum amount that an OPay Tier 2 account can receive at once is 200,000 naira.

Can a bank track an OPay account?

Yes, a bank can track an OPay account if the OPay account is linked to a bank account. When you link your OPay account to a bank account, you provide OPay with your bank account information. This information can then be used by OPay to track your transactions and by your bank to track your OPay account activity.

 Can I use BVN to open OPay?

Yes, you can use your BVN (Bank Verification Number) to open and verify your OPay account. BVN verification is a common method used by financial institutions to enhance the security and authenticity of customer accounts.

Which wallet account can I open without BVN?

Some wallet accounts, including basic mobile money wallets, may not require BVN for registration. However, the specific requirements can vary depending on the service provider. It's essential to check with the wallet provider to understand their account opening requirements.


In conclusion, adding your Bank Verification Number (BVN) to your Opay account is essential for maximizing the security and functionality of your account. While the exact limit of how much you can hold in your Opay account without a BVN may vary, it is highly recommended to link your BVN to fully enjoy all the benefits and peace of mind that come with it. By doing so, you can ensure enhanced security, compliance with regulations, access to full features, and the verification of your identity.

To add your BVN to your Opay account, simply follow the easy steps outlined earlier in this blog post. Once your request is processed and your BVN is linked, you can enjoy a seamless and secure digital payment experience with Opay.

Don't wait any longer - take the necessary steps to link your BVN to your Opay account today and enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that comes with secure online money management.

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