Kuda Soft Pos: What is it, Features & How to use it

 Kuda Soft POS is a mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) solution that allows businesses to accept card payments without a physical POS machine. All you need is a smartphone and the Kuda POS app.

In this blog post, we'll explore what Kuda Soft Pos is, its features, and how to use it.

What Is Kuda Soft Pos

Kuda Soft Pos is a game-changing point of sale system that has revolutionized the way businesses manage their sales transactions. Designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, it provides a wide range of features that can benefit businesses of all sizes and industries.

With Kuda Soft Pos, you can effortlessly process payments. This system allows you to streamline your operations and improve efficiency, saving you time and resources.

One of the standout features of Kuda Soft Pos is its user-friendly interface. Whether you're a  business owner or a beginner, you'll find the system intuitive and easy to navigate. Plus, it offers seamless integration with other business tools, such as accounting software and online marketplaces.

Whether you're a retail store, restaurant, or service provider, Kuda Soft Pos is a reliable solution that can enhance your business operations and boost your bottom line. Discover the power of Kuda Soft Pos today and unlock the full potential of your business.

How To Use  Kuda Soft Pos 

Using the Kuda Soft POS is a straightforward process. Here are the steps broken down in a bulleted list:

  • Get the Kuda Soft POS Device:
      • You'll first need to acquire a Kuda Soft POS device, which is provided by Kuda Bank.
  • Power On the POS Device:
      • Ensure the POS device is powered on and has sufficient battery or is connected to a power source.
  • Enter Your Credentials:
      • Log in to the device using your assigned credentials, typically a username and password.
  • Connect to the Internet:
      • Ensure that the POS device is connected to the internet, whether through Wi-Fi, mobile data, or another connection method.
  • Select the Payment Option:
      • On the POS screen, select the type of payment you want to process, such as card payments or mobile wallets.
  • Enter Transaction Amount:
      • Input the transaction amount on the POS device. Ensure it matches the customer's payment.
  • Swipe, Insert, or Tap Card:
      • If the customer is using a physical card, they can swipe, insert, or tap it on the POS device, depending on the card type and POS capabilities.
    • Verify Payment Details:
      • Review the payment details on the POS screen to ensure accuracy.
    • Confirm Payment:
      • Ask the customer to confirm the payment on their end, usually by entering their PIN or providing other necessary verification.
    • Print or Send Receipt:
      • Provide a receipt for the customer, either by printing it from the POS device or sending it electronically.
    • Transaction Complete:
      • Once the transaction is successful, the POS device will indicate that the payment is complete, and the funds will be processed accordingly.
  • Secure the POS Device:
      • After the transaction is complete, ensure the POS device is securely stored and powered off to prevent unauthorized use.
  • Record Transactions:
    • Maintain a record of transactions for your business accounting and reconciliation.

Key Features of Kuda Soft Pos  

Kuda Soft POS offers several key features to facilitate payment processing. Here are the key features listed in bullet points:

  • Versatile Payment Options:
    • Accept a wide range of payment methods, including debit and credit cards, mobile wallets, and QR code payments.
  • User-Friendly Interface:
    • The POS device is designed with an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for both merchants and customers to use.
  • Wireless Connectivity:
    • Connect to the internet using Wi-Fi, mobile data, or other wireless options, ensuring flexibility in different locations.
  • Touchscreen Display:
    • The touchscreen display simplifies the payment process, allowing for easy navigation and transaction entry.
  • Fast Transaction Processing:
    • Enjoy speedy transaction processing, reducing wait times for customers.

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What are the new features of Kuda?

Kuda is constantly adding new features to its app. Some of the new features that have been added recently include:

  • Kuda Soft POS: Kuda Soft POS allows merchants to accept card payments without a physical POS machine. All they need is a smartphone and the Kuda POS app.
  • Kuda Overdraft: Kuda Overdraft allows eligible customers to overdraft their accounts by up to N50,000.
  • Kuda Goals: Kuda Goals allows customers to set savings goals and track their progress.
  • Kuda Investments: Kuda Investments allows customers to invest in stocks and ETFs.

Can I use my Kuda card on POS machine?

Yes, you can use your Kuda card on any POS machine that accepts Visa cards.

Which bank owns Kuda?

Kuda is not owned by any bank. It is a licensed and regulated financial technology company.

Can I use my phone for POS Nigeria?

Yes, you can use your phone for POS in Nigeria with Kuda Soft POS. All you need is a smartphone and the Kuda POS app.

Can POS work without SIM card?

Yes, some POS machines can work without a SIM card. However, most POS machines require a SIM card to connect to the internet and process payments.


Kuda Soft Pos provides businesses with an innovative solution to manage their sales transactions and streamline their operations. With its user-friendly interface, seamless integration with other tools, and robust reporting capabilities, Kuda Soft Pos empowers businesses of all sizes and industries to take control of their sales processes.

Whether you're a retail store, restaurant, or service provider, Kuda Soft Pos has the features and flexibility to meet your business needs. Experience the power of Kuda Soft Pos today and unlock the full potential of your business. It's time to streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and boost your bottom line with Kuda Soft Pos.

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