Can Easybuy Track My Phone? How to Bypass Easybuy Phone Without PC, How to Bypass Easybuy Security Plugin

Easybuy is a popular company that offers customers the convenience of acquiring smartphones without paying the full amount upfront. While this option has advantages, it raises concerns about Easybuy's ability to track and secure devices in case of payment defaults or other contractual breaches. This article takes a closer look at Easybuy's tracking mechanisms and explores potential ways to bypass these safeguards.

Can Easybuy Track My Phone? 

Yes, Easybuy can track your phone. Easybuy uses a variety of methods to track phones, including GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular tower triangulation. This allows Easybuy to locate your phone if it is lost or stolen.

Here are some of the ways that Easybuy can track your phone:

  • GPS: GPS is a global navigation satellite system that can be used to locate a device with an accuracy of up to a few meters. Easybuy uses GPS to track phones that are turned on and have a GPS signal.
  • Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is a wireless technology that allows devices to connect to the internet. Easybuy uses Wi-Fi to track phones that are connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  • Cellular tower triangulation: Cellular tower triangulation is a method of locating a device by measuring the distance between the device and three or more cellular towers. Easybuy uses cellular tower triangulation to track phones that are turned on and have a cellular signal.

While Easybuy's tracking abilities may raise concerns for some users, it's important to remember that you have the power to take control of your privacy. By being informed and making informed choices about the apps and services we use, we can protect our personal information and enjoy a safer and more secure digital experience.

How to Bypass Easybuy Phone Without PC  

If you're concerned about Easybuy tracking your phone but don't have access to a PC, don't worry, there are still a few options available to you. The first option is to pay off any outstanding debts or fees you may have with Easybuy. Once you've settled your account, you can request to have your data removed from their tracking systems. This will not only stop Easybuy from tracking your phone but also ensure that your personal information is no longer being collected by the app.

Another option is to root your device. Rooting allows you to have more control over the permissions and tracking capabilities of apps like Easybuy. However, it's important to note that rooting your device can be a complex process and may void your warranty. So, before you proceed with rooting, it's crucial to research and consider the risks involved.

By either paying off your debt or rooting your device, you can bypass Easybuy's tracking abilities without the need for a PC. This will give you more control over your privacy and allow you to enjoy a safer and more secure digital experience. Remember, you have the power to protect your personal information and make informed choices about the apps and services you use.

How to Bypass Easybuy Security Plugin

The first option is to pay off any outstanding debts or fees you may have with Easybuy. Once you've settled your account, you can request to have the security plugin removed. This will not only disable the tracking capabilities of the app but also ensure that your personal information is no longer collected.

The second option is to root your device. 

Rooting gives you more control over the permissions and tracking capabilities of apps like Easybuy. By gaining root access, you can remove the security plugin and prevent any tracking activities. However, it's important to remember that rooting your device is a complex process that may void your warranty. Make sure to thoroughly research the risks and implications before proceeding.

By either paying off your debt or rooting your device, you can bypass Easybuy's security plugin and regain control over your privacy. Remember, it's crucial to make informed choices about the apps and services you use to protect your personal information and enjoy a safer digital experience.

Consequences Of Removing Easybuy Plugin Without Paying Your Debt  

When it comes to removing the Easybuy plugin without paying off your debt, there are a few consequences to consider. It's important to note that these consequences may vary depending on the specific circumstances, but here are some potential outcomes to be aware of:

  1. Legal repercussions: By removing the Easybuy plugin without settling your debt, you may be in violation of the terms and conditions you agreed to when using the app. This could potentially lead to legal consequences, such as being sued or facing penalties.
  2. Credit score impact: Unresolved debts can negatively impact your credit score. If you remove the Easybuy plugin without paying off your debt, it could be reported to credit bureaus, affecting your creditworthiness and making it more difficult to secure loans or credit in the future.
  3. Limited access to services: Easybuy may restrict your access to certain features or services if you have an outstanding debt. By removing the plugin without paying, you may lose access to discounts, promotions, or exclusive offers.
  4. Loss of trust: Not paying your debt and attempting to bypass the plugin may damage your relationship with Easybuy. They may flag your account, making it harder to resolve any issues in the future or even result in being permanently banned from using the platform.

It's crucial to carefully consider the potential consequences before removing the Easybuy plugin without paying off your debt. It may be worth exploring other options, such as contacting Easybuy to discuss payment plans or finding a resolution that works for both parties.


How do I remove security plugin from my phone?

The specific steps for removing the EasyBuy security plugin from your phone will vary depending on the Android version you are using. However, the general process is as follows:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Go to Apps & notifications or Application manager.
  3. Locate the EasyBuy Security Plugin app.
  4. Tap on the app to open its info page.
  5. Tap Uninstall or Delete to uninstall the app.
  6. If there is no uninstall option, tap Force stop first to stop the app from running. Then the uninstall option should appear.
  7. Reboot your Android device to refresh the system. This will ensure any remaining traces of the app are removed.

How do I know if my phone is on EasyBuy?

If you are unsure whether your phone is on EasyBuy, you can check by following these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Go to Apps & notifications or Application manager.
  3. Check for the presence of any apps related to EasyBuy, such as EasyBuy Security Plugin, EasyBuy Finance, or EasyBuy Loan.
  4. If you find any of these apps, your phone is likely on EasyBuy.

What is the age limit for EasyBuy?

The age limit for EasyBuy is 18 years old. This means that you must be at least 18 years old to apply for financing through EasyBuy.

How much is smart 7 in easy buy?

The price of a Smart 7 on EasyBuy can vary depending on the specific model and financing terms. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from ₦10,000 to ₦20,000 for a Smart 7 on EasyBuy.

What is the price of Infinix Smart 7 HD?

The price of an Infinix Smart 7 HD on EasyBuy can also vary depending on the specific model and financing terms. However, you can expect to pay around ₦15,000 for an Infinix Smart 7 HD on EasyBuy.


It's important to note that removing the Easybuy plugin without paying your debt may have consequences. This could lead to legal repercussions, negatively impact your credit score, limit your access to services, and damage your relationship with Easybuy.

In conclusion, while Easybuy does have the ability to track your phone, you have the power to take control of your privacy. By making informed choices and taking the necessary steps, such as paying off debts or rooting your device, you can protect your personal information and enjoy a safer digital experience. Remember, it's crucial to weigh the potential consequences and explore other options before removing the plugin without settling your debt.

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