How to Retrieve Your Money if You Make a Wrong Bank Transfer in Nigeria

Mistakes happen, and if you have ever made a wrong bank transfer in Nigeria, you know how stressful it can be. Whether it was a simple typo or a misunderstanding of the account details, sending money to the wrong recipient can leave you feeling anxious and worried about retrieving your funds. 

But don't panic just yet! In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps you can take to retrieve your money if you make a wrong bank transfer in Nigeria. So, let's get started and ease your worries.

Act Quickly

If you realize you've made a wrong bank transfer in Nigeria, the most important thing to do is act quickly. Time is of the essence when it comes to retrieving your money. As soon as you discover the mistake, don't waste any time. 

The longer you wait, the more difficult it may be to recover your funds. So, take a deep breath, gather your composure, and jump into action. In the following sections, we will guide you through the steps you need to take to resolve this situation and get your money back.

Contact Your Bank

When you realize that you have made a wrong bank transfer in Nigeria, the first step is to contact your bank immediately. They are your best resource in this situation and can guide the next steps to take. 

Call or visit your bank as soon as possible and explain the situation. Provide them with all the relevant information, such as the transaction details, the recipient's account information, and the amount transferred. The sooner you reach out to your bank, the better chance you have of resolving the issue and recovering your funds.

Get the Correct Details

When you realize you've made a wrong bank transfer in Nigeria, it's crucial to gather all the correct details related to the transaction. This includes verifying the recipient's account information, double-checking the amount transferred, and ensuring you have the correct transaction reference number. 

This step is essential because having accurate information will make it easier for your bank to trace the transfer and take appropriate action. Take the time to carefully review and gather all the necessary details to ensure a smoother resolution process.

Notify the Recipient

Once you've contacted your bank and gathered the correct details, it's important to notify the recipient of the wrong bank transfer. This step is crucial in the resolution process as the recipient may be willing to cooperate and return the funds. 

Be polite and explain the situation clearly, providing them with all the necessary information. While not all recipients may be willing to comply, it's worth reaching out and attempting to resolve the issue amicably. Remember, staying calm and maintaining open communication can increase your chances of recovering your money.

Seek Legal Advice

If all else fails and you're unable to retrieve your money through the previous steps, it may be time to seek legal advice. Consulting with a lawyer who specializes in banking and financial transactions can provide you with the guidance and expertise you need to navigate the legal system. 

They can help you understand your rights, assess your options, and advise you on the best course of action to take. While this step may seem intimidating, it can be crucial in ensuring that you exhaust all avenues in recovering your funds. Remember, don't be afraid to seek legal assistance if necessary.

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How can I recover my wrongly transferred money in Nigeria?

If you have mistakenly transferred money to the wrong account in Nigeria, you can follow these steps to recover your funds:

  1. Contact your bank immediately: As soon as you realize you have made an incorrect transfer, contact your bank's customer service department. Inform them of the error and provide details of the transaction, including the date, amount, recipient's account number, and beneficiary name.
  2. Request a reversal: Ask your bank to initiate a reversal of the erroneous transfer. Depending on the bank's policies and the timeliness of your notification, they may be able to reverse the transaction before the funds have been withdrawn by the recipient.
  3. Provide supporting documentation: If the recipient has already withdrawn the funds, your bank may require additional documentation to support your claim. This could include screenshots of your bank statement, transaction confirmations, or any communication with the recipient.
  4. Contact the recipient's bank: If the reversal is not possible, your bank may suggest contacting the recipient's bank directly. Explain the situation and request their assistance in recovering the funds.
  5. Seek legal counsel: If the recipient refuses to cooperate or the banks are unable to resolve the issue, you may need to seek legal counsel. An attorney can help you file a claim against the recipient and represent you in court proceedings.

It's important to act promptly when you discover an incorrect transfer. The sooner you contact your bank and initiate the recovery process, the higher the chances of retrieving your funds.

How do I retrieve money from the wrong bank account?

Recovering money from the wrong bank account in Nigeria requires prompt action and collaboration between you, your bank, and the recipient's bank. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Notify your bank immediately: Inform your bank of the erroneous transfer, providing transaction details, recipient information, and the reason for the error. They will assess the situation and guide you on the next steps.
  2. Request a reversal: If the funds haven't been withdrawn, your bank may attempt to reverse the transaction, effectively returning the money to your account. This may be possible if the transfer was recent and the recipient hasn't yet accessed the funds.
  3. Contact the recipient's bank: If a reversal isn't possible, reach out to the recipient's bank, explaining the situation and requesting their assistance. They may be able to freeze the funds in the recipient's account, preventing further withdrawals.
  4. Communicate with the recipient: Politely contact the recipient, explaining the error and requesting a refund. Provide them with transaction details and bank information to facilitate the transfer back to your account.
  5. Seek legal counsel: If the recipient refuses to cooperate or the banks are unable to resolve the issue amicably, consider seeking legal counsel. An attorney can represent you in court proceedings to recover your funds.

Remember, prompt action and clear communication are crucial for successful recovery of wrongly transferred funds.

Can you reverse a bank transfer if scammed in Nigeria?

Reversing a bank transfer after being scammed in Nigeria is possible under certain circumstances. If you can provide evidence that you were deceived or tricked into initiating the transfer, your bank may consider reversing the transaction.

  1. Gather evidence: Collect any documentation or communication that supports your claim of being scammed. This could include emails, text messages, social media interactions, or screenshots of fraudulent websites or communications.
  2. Report the scam: Contact the relevant authorities, such as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) or the Nigerian Police Force, to report the scam and file a police report. Provide them with all the evidence you have gathered.
  3. Notify your bank: Inform your bank of the scam and provide them with the police report and any other supporting evidence. Explain how you were deceived and request a reversal of the fraudulent transfer.
  4. Cooperate with investigations: If your bank initiates an investigation, cooperate fully with their inquiries and provide any additional information they require.
  5. Seek legal counsel: If your bank refuses to reverse the transfer or you encounter difficulties, consider seeking legal counsel. An attorney can help you navigate the legal process and increase your chances of recovering your funds.

Remember, vigilance and prompt action are key to minimizing the impact of scams and increasing the likelihood of recovering lost funds.


In a nutshell, making a wrong bank transfer in Nigeria can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it's not the end of the world. By acting quickly, contacting your bank, gathering the correct details, notifying the recipient, and seeking legal advice if necessary, you can increase your chances of retrieving your money. Remember to stay calm, communicate effectively, and explore all possible avenues for resolution. Making a mistake is human, and with the right steps and support, you can overcome it and recover your funds. Don't give up hope and keep pushing forward until you find a solution.

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