How to Stop Loan Apps from Accessing Your Bank Account or Money in the Bank Account

We have access to countless mobile apps that offer convenience and ease when it comes to managing our finances. One such category of apps is loan apps, which allow us to borrow money instantly with just a few taps on our phones. While these apps may seem convenient, they can also pose a risk to our financial security. 

Many loan apps require access to our bank accounts or even permission to withdraw money directly from them. This can leave us vulnerable to fraud and unauthorized transactions. In this blog post, we will discuss how to protect ourselves and stop loan apps from accessing our bank account or money in the bank account.

Why Do Loan Apps Access Money In Your Bank Account  

Loan apps typically access money in your bank account for various reasons. Here's a comprehensive list of the key factors and processes involved:

  • Loan Disbursement: The primary purpose of loan apps is to provide borrowers with quick and convenient access to funds. When your loan application is approved, the app will transfer the requested amount directly to your bank account. This requires access to your account to initiate the transfer.
  • Repayment Mechanism: To ensure timely repayment, loan apps often set up automatic payments. They will withdraw the loan amount, along with interest and fees, directly from your bank account on scheduled dates. This automated process helps you avoid missed payments.
  • Verification and Underwriting: Loan apps need to assess your creditworthiness and financial stability to determine your eligibility for a loan. They may access your bank account to review your transaction history, income, and expenses as part of their underwriting process. This allows them to make informed lending decisions.
  • Income Verification: Loan apps use bank account access to confirm your income. By analyzing your deposits and regular sources of income, they can verify whether you have the means to repay the loan. This step is crucial in preventing defaults and ensuring responsible lending.
  • Bank Account Validation: Loan apps need to confirm that the bank account you provided for disbursement and repayments is valid and in your name. Accessing your account helps them validate this information and reduce the risk of fraud.
  • Transaction History Analysis: To assess your financial behavior and stability, loan apps may review your transaction history. They look for patterns such as overdrafts, returned payments, or frequent payday loans, which can impact your eligibility and terms.
  • Risk Assessment: Loan apps use data from your bank account to evaluate the level of risk associated with lending to you. Your financial history, account balances, and spending habits can influence the interest rate, loan amount, and terms they offer.
  • Credit Scoring: Some loan apps consider alternative credit scoring models that incorporate bank account data. These models can be especially helpful for individuals with limited or no traditional credit history.
  • Identity Verification: Accessing your bank account helps loan apps confirm your identity, ensuring that you are the person applying for the loan. This helps prevent identity theft and fraud.
  • Fraud Prevention:  Loan apps use bank account data to detect and prevent fraudulent activity. This includes verifying that your account details match your personal information and monitoring for suspicious or unauthorized transactions.
  • Legal Requirements: In many jurisdictions, financial institutions and lenders are required to comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations. Accessing your bank account is often necessary to meet these legal obligations.

This access is crucial for both the lender and the borrower to facilitate a smooth and efficient lending experience.

How to Stop Loan Apps from Accessing Your Bank Account or Money in the Bank Account  

If you want to stop loan apps from accessing your bank account or your money, you have several options to consider. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to do so:

  • Revoke Access in App Settings:
    • Many loan apps provide the option to revoke access to your bank account within their settings or permissions section. Check the app's settings to find the option to remove account access. Keep in mind that this may impact your ability to use the app for future loans.
  • Cancel Preauthorized Debits:
    • In some regions, you can cancel preauthorized debits directly with your bank. This means that the loan app won't be able to automatically withdraw funds from your account. Contact your bank to inquire about the process and any associated fees.
  • Contact Customer Support:
    • Reach out to the loan app's customer support or help center. Explain your request to stop them from accessing your bank account and request guidance on how to proceed. They may provide specific instructions or initiate the process on your behalf.
  • Revoke ACH Authorization:
    • If you've provided Automated Clearing House (ACH) authorization to the loan app, you can revoke it. You may need to submit a written request to your bank, stating that you no longer authorize the loan app to withdraw funds from your account. Be prepared to provide details about the specific authorization you want to cancel.
  • Close the Bank Account:
    • If you're unable to stop the loan app's access through other means, you can consider closing the bank account linked to the app. Open a new account at a different bank and update your banking information with the loan app. This will prevent any further access to your old account.
  • Monitor Transactions:
    • Keep a close eye on your bank account transactions. If you notice unauthorized or suspicious withdrawals, contact your bank immediately. They can help you investigate and potentially reverse the transactions if they are fraudulent.
  • Legal Measures:
    • If you believe the loan app is acting unlawfully or in violation of your rights, you can consult with a legal professional. They can advise you on potential legal actions or complaints to regulatory authorities.

By taking these steps, you can safeguard your bank account and prevent loan apps from accessing your money without your authorization. Remember, it's crucial to prioritize your financial security in today's digital age.

Tips to Secure Your Online Banking Information  

With the increasing popularity of online banking, it's more important than ever to secure your online banking information. Here are some tips to help you protect your financial data:

  • Keep your login credentials secure: Create a strong, unique password for your online banking account and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate passwords.
  • Be cautious of phishing attempts: Be wary of suspicious emails, text messages, or phone calls asking for your personal or banking information. Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.
  • Update your devices and software: Keep your mobile devices and computers up to date with the latest software updates and security patches. This helps protect against known vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit.
  •  Use a secure network: Avoid accessing your online banking account on public Wi-Fi networks, as they can be easily compromised. Instead, use a secure and trusted network.
  • Enable notifications and alerts: Set up notifications and alerts for your online banking account to receive immediate alerts for any suspicious activity or unauthorized transactions.
  • Regularly monitor your account: Check your online banking statements regularly to identify any unauthorized transactions or unusual activity. Report any discrepancies to your bank immediately.
  • Consider additional security measures: Explore additional security measures offered by your bank, such as biometric authentication or virtual private networks (VPNs), to enhance the security of your online banking experience.


By following these tips, you can strengthen the security of your online banking information and protect yourself from potential threats. Remember, it's always better to be proactive when it comes to your financial security.

 Read Also: How to Upgrade Your Moniepoint Account Easily


How do I stop a loan company from accessing my bank account?

There are two ways to stop a loan company from accessing your bank account:

  1. Revoke your authorization. When you take out a loan, you typically give the loan company authorization to withdraw payments from your bank account automatically. To revoke this authorization, you need to contact the loan company and tell them in writing that you are withdrawing your permission.
  2. Place a stop payment order with your bank. This will instruct your bank to block any withdrawals from the loan company, even if they have your authorization. To place a stop payment order, you need to contact your bank and provide them with the loan company's name and account number.

How do I remove data from a loan app?

The steps for removing data from a loan app vary depending on the app. However, most apps will have a privacy settings section where you can manage your data. Here are some general steps you can follow:

  1. Open the loan app.
  2. Go to the privacy settings section.
  3. Look for options to delete or clear your data.
  4. Select the data you want to delete and confirm your request.

Can a loan app collect money from your bank account?

Yes, a loan app can collect money from your bank account if you have authorized them. However, they cannot withdraw money without your permission. If you have revoked your authorization or placed a stop payment order with your bank, the loan app will not be able to collect money from your account.

When you delete a loan app do they still have access to your contacts?

Whether or not a loan app still has access to your contacts after you delete it depends on the app and the permissions you granted it. Some apps may request permission to access your contacts to verify your identity or to collect on a debt. If you granted the app permission to access your contacts, they may still have access to this information even after you delete the app.

To be on the safe side, it is best to revoke all permissions for loan apps that you are no longer using. You can do this by going to your phone's settings and then to the apps section. Select the loan app and then tap on permissions. Revoke all of the permissions that you do not want the app to have.

How do I stop an app from accessing my information?

To stop an app from accessing your information, you need to revoke its permissions. You can do this by going to your phone's settings and then to the apps section. Select the app and then tap on permissions. Revoke all of the permissions that you do not want the app to have.


In this digital age, where convenience and ease are at our fingertips, it's crucial to prioritize our financial security. While loan apps may offer instant access to funds, they also pose risks to our bank accounts and money. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, we can protect ourselves and stop loan apps from accessing our bank accounts without authorization.

By taking these precautions, we can ensure our financial information remains secure and protect ourselves from potential threats in today's digital world. Stay vigilant, prioritize your financial security, and remember, prevention is key.

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