Likee Signup, Likee login with username, phone number and email, Likee Customer care, Reset Likee Password, Delete Likee account

Are you tired of scrolling through the same old content on social media platforms? Want to try something new and exciting? Look no further than Likee! This popular video creation and sharing app offers a unique experience for its users with features like special effects, music, and filters. 

But before you dive into creating and sharing your own videos, you'll need to sign up and log in to the app. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the Likee signup process and the various login options available, as well as provide information on Likee's customer care, resetting your password, and deleting your account. So let's get started and explore all that Likee has to offer!

How To Signup On Likee  

Signing up is quick and easy! Here's how you can create your Likee account:

  1. Download the Likee app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

  2. Open the app and click on the "Sign Up" button.

  3. Choose your preferred signup method: phone number, email, or social media account.

  4. If you choose to sign up with your phone number, enter your number and verify it through the OTP code sent to your device.

  5. If you prefer email signup, enter your email address and create a secure password.

  6. For social media signup, select your desired platform and follow the prompts to connect your account.

  7. After completing the necessary steps, you're all set to start exploring Likee and creating your amazing videos!

With these simple steps, you can dive right into the world of Likee and unleash your creativity. Get ready to connect with others, discover trending content, and have a blast on this innovative video-sharing platform!

How To Login On Likee With Username  

If you already have a Likee account and want to log in using your username, follow these simple steps:

  • Open the Likee app on your device.

  • On the login screen, click on the "Username" option.

  • Enter your username in the provided field.

  • Type in your password.

  • Click on the "Log In" button.

That's it! You will be logged in to your Likee account and ready to explore all the exciting content and features the app has to offer. Don't forget to stay connected with your favorite creators and share your own amazing videos with the Likee community. Happy logging in!

How To Login On Likee With Phone Number 

Looking to log in to Likee with your phone number? No problem! Follow these simple steps to access your account:

  • Open the Likee app on your device.

  • On the login screen, select the "Phone Number" option.

  • Enter your phone number in the provided field.

  • Verify your number by entering the OTP code sent to your device.

  • Click on the "Log In" button.

That's it! You're now logged in to your Likee account and ready to explore all the exciting content. Connect with others, discover trending videos, and showcase your own creativity on this amazing platform. Happy logging in!

How To Login On Likee With Email  

Here's how you can easily access your account:

  • Open the Likee app on your device.

  • On the login screen, choose the "Email" option.

  • Enter the email address associated with your Likee account.

  • Input your secure password.

  • Click on the "Log In" button.

With just a few simple steps, you'll be logged in and ready to explore all the exciting content on Likee. Connect with others, discover trending videos, and unleash your creativity on this dynamic platform. Happy logging in!

Likee Customer care Details  

If you ever encounter any issues or have questions while using Likee, their customer care team is available to assist you. Here are some important details about Likee's customer care:

  1. Email Support: Likee provides an email support service where you can reach out to their team with any inquiries or concerns. You can expect a timely response to your email.

  2. In-App Support: Likee also offers in-app support within the app itself. Simply navigate to the support section in the app and you'll find various resources and options to help troubleshoot any issues.

  3. Community Forums: Likee has an active community of users who share their experiences and insights on the platform. By participating in these forums, you can seek assistance from other users who may have encountered similar problems.

  4. Social Media: Likee maintains a strong presence on social media platforms. You can follow them on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay updated with the latest news and announcements, as well as reach out to them through direct messaging.

Remember, the Likee customer care team is there to support you and ensure you have a smooth and enjoyable experience on the app. So don't hesitate to reach out to them whenever you need assistance.

How To Reset Likee Password  

If you've forgotten your Likee password, don't worry! Resetting it is a breeze. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Open the Likee app on your device.

  2. On the login screen, click on the "Forgot Password" option.

  3. Enter the email address or phone number associated with your Likee account.

  4. You will receive a password reset link or OTP code via email or SMS.

  5. Follow the instructions in the email or enter the OTP code to reset your password.

  6. Create a new password and confirm it.

  7. Click on the "Reset Password" button.

Voila! You've successfully reset your Likee password and can now log in with your new credentials. Happy exploring!

How To Delete Your Likee Account  

Ready to say goodbye to Likee? If you've decided to delete your Likee account, here's how you can do it:

  • Open the Likee app on your device.

  • Go to your account settings or profile page.

  • Look for the "Delete Account" option and click on it.

  • Follow the prompts to confirm your decision to delete your account.

  • Enter any required information, such as your password or reason for deleting.

  • Click on the "Delete Account" button.

  • Your Likee account will be permanently deleted.

Remember, deleting your account means losing access to all your videos, followers, and saved content. So make sure you're ready before taking this step.

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How old is the Likee app?

Likee was first launched in 2017, making it around 5 years old as of October 26, 2023. However, the app has gone through various rebrandings and mergers in its lifespan. It started as LIKE Video, later rebranded as LIKE, and currently operated as Likee.

Is Likee a free app?

Yes, Likee is a completely free app to download and use. You can browse and watch videos, create your own content, and engage with other users without paying any fees. However, there are optional in-app purchases available for things like virtual gifts and special effects.

What is parental control on Likee?

Likee offers a parental control feature designed to protect younger users. This feature allows parents to set restrictions on their child's account, such as:

  • Limiting the amount of time they can spend on the app

  • Restricting access to certain types of content

  • Setting age-appropriate privacy settings

Parents can access these controls through the app's settings menu.

How do I download Likee app videos?

There are several ways to download Likee app videos:

  • Direct download: Some Likee creators provide a download button directly on their videos. Clicking this button will download the video to your device.

  • Third-party apps: Several third-party apps can download Likee videos. These apps usually require pasting the video link or using a screen recorder.

  • Website downloaders: Some websites offer services to download Likee videos. These websites usually require the video link and may have additional steps or limitations.

What app can I download to make videos?

There are many great apps available for making videos, depending on your needs and preferences. Here are a few popular options:

  • Likee: The app itself offers various video editing tools and filters to create short and engaging videos.

  • TikTok: Similar to Likee, TikTok provides a platform for creating short videos with a wide range of editing features and effects.

  • InShot: This app offers a more comprehensive editing experience, suitable for creating longer and more complex videos.

  • VivaCut: Another powerful video editing app with advanced features like green screen and keyframe animation.

  • FilmoraGo: A user-friendly app with various editing tools and templates to create professional-looking videos.

Choosing the right app depends on your desired features, editing skills, and intended video format.


In this blog post, we've explored the various aspects of using Likee, from signing up and logging in to accessing customer care and resetting your password. We've provided step-by-step instructions on how to create your Likee account, whether it's through your phone number, email, or social media. We've also outlined the different login options available and how to navigate them. 

Additionally, we've highlighted the customer care support available on Likee, including email support, in-app support, community forums, and social media channels. Lastly, we've discussed how to reset your password and delete your Likee account if needed. Now that you have all the information, it's time to dive into Likee and unleash your creativity on this exciting video-sharing platform. Enjoy exploring and creating amazing content!

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