How To Deactivate, Close or Delete Fairmoney Account

Are you looking for an easy and straightforward way to deactivate, close or delete your Fairmoney account? If so, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to deactivate, close or delete your Fairmoney account, as well as answer any questions you may have about the process. By the end of this post, you'll have all the information you need to make sure your account is closed safely and securely.

Why you might want to deactivate, close or delete your Fairmoney account 

Are you wondering why you might want to deactivate, close, or delete your Fairmoney account? There are several reasons why you may consider taking these steps:

  1. Inactive Account: If you haven't used your Fairmoney account for a long time, deactivating or closing it can help you declutter and simplify your online presence. Plus, it reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your account.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Concerned about your personal information? Deleting your Fairmoney account ensures that your data is no longer stored in their systems. This can provide peace of mind, especially if you no longer trust the platform or have experienced privacy breaches.
  3. Financial Security: If you've been facing financial difficulties or want to limit your online spending, closing your Fairmoney account can be a proactive step. Removing the temptation to access loans or credit can help you regain control over your finances.
  4. Switching to a Different Service: Maybe you've found a better alternative to Fairmoney that offers lower interest rates or more favorable terms. In that case, closing your Fairmoney account allows you to transition seamlessly to the new service.

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Remember, it's important to evaluate your own personal circumstances and determine if deactivating, closing, or deleting your Fairmoney account is the right choice for you.

How To Deactivate, Close or Delete Fairmoney Account 

If you're ready to deactivate, close, or delete your Fairmoney account, follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process:

  1. Log into your Fairmoney account: Start by logging into your Fairmoney account using your registered email address and password.
  2. Navigate to the account settings: Once logged in, look for the account settings or profile section. This is usually located in the top right corner of the website or in the menu options of the mobile app.
  3. Find the deactivation, closure, or deletion option: Within the account settings, you should find an option specifically related to deactivating, closing, or deleting your account. Click on this option to proceed.
  4. Follow the prompts: Fairmoney may ask you to confirm your decision or provide additional information. Follow the prompts and provide the necessary details as requested.
  5. Verify your identity: To ensure the security of your account, Fairmoney may require you to verify your identity. This could be through a verification code sent to your email or a text message to your registered phone number.
  6. Confirm the action: After verifying your identity, you'll likely be asked to confirm your decision once more. Make sure you carefully review the information provided before confirming the action.
  7. Receive confirmation: Once the deactivation, closure, or deletion process is complete, you should receive a confirmation message from Fairmoney. Keep this for your records.


Remember, it's always a good idea to double-check your account to ensure it has been deactivated, closed, or deleted successfully.

What happens when you deactivate, close, or delete your Fairmoney account 

When you deactivate, close, or delete your Fairmoney account, there are a few things you can expect to happen. Here's a breakdown of what you can anticipate:

  1. Loss of Access: Once your account is deactivated, closed, or deleted, you will no longer have access to the features, services, and benefits associated with your Fairmoney account. This includes the ability to apply for loans, manage your loan repayments, and access your account information.
  2. Removal of Personal Information: Fairmoney will remove your personal information from their systems. This includes your name, contact information, and financial data. However, it's important to note that Fairmoney may still retain some of your information for legal or regulatory purposes.
  3. Cancellation of Loan Agreements: If you have any active loans with Fairmoney, they will be cancelled or terminated. You will no longer be responsible for repaying these loans.
  4. Closure of Credit Line: If you have a credit line or ongoing credit facility with Fairmoney, it will be closed and no further transactions will be allowed.
  5. Communication Cessation: Fairmoney will stop sending you any communication, updates, or promotional messages once your account is deactivated, closed, or deleted.


It's essential to remember that the specific actions taken by Fairmoney may vary, so it's a good idea to carefully review their terms and conditions or contact their customer support for more detailed information.


How do I delete my loan account?

Deleting a loan account is not a common practice, as loan accounts are typically closed or settled rather than deleted. To close or settle your loan account, you should follow these steps:

  1. Contact your loan provider or the financial institution that issued the loan. 
  2.  Inquire about the process for closing or settling your loan account. 
  3. Follow their instructions, which may involve paying off the remaining loan balance, including any accrued interest and fees. 
  4. Once the loan is fully paid or settled, the account will be considered closed.

How do I remove my details from a loan app?

To remove your personal details from a loan app, follow these general steps:

  1. Open the loan app. 
  2. Access the app's settings or account information section. 
  3. Look for options related to account closure or data deletion. 
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to delete or remove your account and personal details. This may vary depending on the loan app.

What happens if I don't pay FairMoney?

If you don't pay your FairMoney loan on time, you may incur additional fees, penalties, or interest charges. FairMoney may also report your overdue loan to credit bureaus, which could negatively impact your credit score. In more severe cases, FairMoney may take legal action or engage debt collection agencies to recover the outstanding loan amount.

Can I liquidate my FairMoney loan?

Yes, you can typically liquidate or settle your FairMoney loan by repaying the outstanding loan balance, including any accrued interest and fees. Contact FairMoney's customer support or refer to your loan agreement for information on how to make a full loan repayment.

5. Can a loan app deactivate my BVN?

No, a loan app does not have the authority to deactivate your Bank Verification Number (BVN). Your BVN is a unique identification number linked to your bank account and is regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria. It is used for identity verification and fraud prevention purposes. Only you or your bank can request changes or deactivation of your BVN, and such requests are typically made through your bank, not a loan app. Be cautious about sharing your BVN with third-party apps and ensure you are using reputable and authorized financial services.


After reading this blog post, you should now have a clear understanding of how to deactivate, close, or delete your Fairmoney account. We've provided you with step-by-step instructions on the process, ensuring that you can easily navigate through each stage. Remember to evaluate your personal circumstances to determine if deactivating, closing, or deleting your account is the right choice for you.

If you're ready to take control of your online presence and financial well-being, follow the instructions provided in this blog post to deactivate, close, or delete your Fairmoney account securely. Remember, it's always a good idea to double-check that the process has been completed successfully.

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