Naira to Euro Aboki Blackmarket Exchange Rate Today

The exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira and the Euro has been a topic of concern for many individuals and businesses in the country. With the fluctuating value of the Naira in recent years, people are always on the lookout for the most updated exchange rate. 

This is particularly true for those who need to exchange currency in the black market, also known as the Aboki market. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the current Naira to Euro Aboki black market exchange rate and provide some insights on what factors may be influencing it.

Factors Influencing the Fluctuations in the Naira-Euro Black Market Rates 

The exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira and the Euro on the black market is influenced by a variety of factors. Here are some key factors that contribute to the fluctuations in these rates:

  1. Economic conditions: The overall economic health of Nigeria can greatly impact the exchange rate. Factors such as inflation, interest rates, and government policies all play a role in determining the value of the Naira.
  2. Political stability: Political instability in Nigeria can cause uncertainty in the currency market, leading to fluctuations in the exchange rate. Political unrest, corruption, and changes in government can all impact the value of the Naira.
  3. Oil prices: Nigeria is heavily reliant on oil exports, and as a result, fluctuations in global oil prices can have a significant impact on the Naira-Euro exchange rate. When oil prices rise, the Naira tends to strengthen, and vice versa.
  4. Foreign investment: The level of foreign investment in Nigeria can also affect the exchange rate. When foreign investors are confident in the Nigerian economy, they are more likely to invest, which can strengthen the Naira.
  5. Balance of trade: The balance of trade between Nigeria and the European Union also influences the exchange rate. If Nigeria is importing more goods from the EU than it is exporting, the Naira may weaken against the Euro.

Understanding these factors can help individuals and businesses anticipate and navigate fluctuations in the Naira-Euro exchange rate on the black market.

Naira to Euro Aboki Blackmarket Exchange Rate Today

The Aboki Blackmarket exchange rate for Naira to Euro today is 1160 Naira to 1 Euro. This exchange rate may vary depending on the black market dealer you are dealing with.

To get the best deals on the Aboki black market exchange, it is advisable to shop around and compare rates from different sources. Some individuals may also consider using trusted and reliable currency exchange platforms that offer competitive rates and convenient services.

It is crucial to exercise caution when dealing with the black market, as it is not regulated and may involve risks. Individuals and businesses should stay informed about the latest exchange rate and seek advice from financial professionals when making currency transactions.

Ways to get the Best Deals on the Aboki Blackmarket Exchange 

If you're looking to get the best deals on the Aboki black market exchange for Naira to Euro, here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Compare rates: Shop around and compare rates from different sources. Rates can vary depending on the location and the individual trader. By comparing rates, you can find the best deal and get the most out of your exchange.
  2. Use trusted platforms: Consider using trusted and reliable currency exchange platforms that offer competitive rates and convenient services. These platforms often provide real-time rates and secure transactions, ensuring you get the best deal while also prioritizing safety.
  3. Timing is key: Keep an eye on the market and exchange your currency when the rates are favorable. Fluctuations in the black market rates can occur daily, so staying informed about the latest trends can help you make the most of your exchange.
  4. Seek advice: If you're uncertain about navigating the black market, seek advice from financial professionals. They can guide the best practices for exchanging currency and help you avoid any potential risks.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting the best deals on the Aboki black market exchange for Naira to Euro. Remember to exercise caution and stay informed to make informed decisions regarding your currency transactions.

Read Also: How to Remove Your BVN From Credit Bureau Blacklist in Nigeria


What is euro to naira in black market?

The Aboki Blackmarket exchange rate for euro to naira today, , is 1160 Naira to 1 euro. This exchange rate may vary depending on the black market dealer you are dealing with.

What is the euro to naira bank rate today?

The official exchange rate for euro to naira today is 964.1908 Naira to 1 euro. This is the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

How much is 1000 Naira to CFA in black market?

The Aboki Blackmarket exchange rate for 1000 Naira to CFA today, is 1046.0801 Naira to 1 CFA. This exchange rate may vary depending on the black market dealer you are dealing with.

How much is 100 euro dollars in Naira?

100 euros is equal to 116000 Naira in the black market today.

How much is € 2000 euro in naira?

€ 2000 euros is equal to 232000 Naira in the black market today.

Please note that the black market exchange rate is typically higher than the official exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Nigeria. This is because the black market is illegal and unregulated.

If you are planning on exchanging Naira for euros or CFA, it is important to do so through a reputable dealer. You should also be aware of the risks involved in using the black market.


In conclusion, the Naira to Euro Aboki black market exchange rate is subject to various factors that influence its fluctuations. Economic conditions, political stability, oil prices, foreign investment, and the balance of trade all play a role in determining the value of the Naira against the Euro. Individuals and businesses need to understand these factors to navigate the fluctuations in the exchange rate effectively.

By following these tips and staying informed about the latest exchange rate, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions and maximize their currency transactions. However, caution should always be exercised when dealing with the black market, and seeking advice from financial professionals is advisable.

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