What to do when Loans Apps Send Messages to Your Contacts and Still Threaten You and Them

Have you ever been bombarded with messages from loan apps that harass not only you but also your contacts? Do you feel concerned about the potential consequences of these threatening messages?

You are not alone. Many people have become victims of aggressive marketing tactics used by loan apps. These messages not only invade your privacy but also put you and your loved ones at risk. In this blog post, we will discuss what you can do to protect yourself and your contacts when faced with such situations.

Stay Calm and Document Everything

If you find yourself receiving harassing messages from loan apps, it's important to stay calm and document everything. Take screenshots or save any messages you receive, as well as any calls or interactions you have with the app.

This documentation can be crucial evidence if you need to take further action. Additionally, try to keep a record of any negative impacts these messages may have on you or your contacts, such as increased stress or unwanted attention. By documenting everything, you can build a strong case and protect yourself and your loved ones.

Contact the Loan App Directly:

When faced with harassing messages from loan apps, one of the first steps you can take is to contact the loan app directly. Look for their contact information on their website or within the app itself. 

Reach out to them through email or their customer support channels to express your concerns and request that they stop sending messages to you and your contacts. Be clear and firm in your communication, providing any evidence or documentation you have collected. By addressing the issue directly with the loan app, you may be able to resolve the situation and protect yourself and your loved ones from further harassment.

Request a Cease

If contacting the loan app directly doesn't yield any results, it's time to take a more serious step. Request a cease and desist letter. This letter, typically written by a lawyer, demands that the loan app stop sending you and your contacts harassing messages. 

The letter should clearly outline the issue, provide evidence of the harassment, and state the consequences if the loan app fails to comply. Sending a cease and desist letter shows that you mean business and can be an effective way to put an end to the unwanted messages. Remember to keep a copy of the letter for your records.

Notify Your Contacts

When dealing with loan apps that send messages to your contacts and still threaten you and them, it's crucial to notify your contacts about the situation. Explain to them what is happening and warn them about the potential risks. 

Encourage them to be cautious and avoid interacting with any suspicious messages or calls. By keeping your contacts informed, you can help them stay safe and prevent them from falling victim to the same harassment. Communication is key in protecting both yourself and your loved ones from the intrusive tactics of loan apps.

Report the App

If you've tried contacting the loan app directly and still haven't found a resolution, it's time to take the next step: report the app. File a complaint with the appropriate regulatory agency or consumer protection organization. 

Provide them with all the evidence and documentation you have collected, including screenshots, messages, and any previous communication with the app. By reporting the app, you not only seek justice for yourself but also help protect others from falling victim to their harassment. Remember, your voice matters, and reporting these apps can make a difference in putting an end to their harmful tactics.

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How can I stop loan app harassment in Nigeria?

Loan app harassment can be distressing, but there are several steps you can take to put an end to it:

  • Uninstall the Loan App: The first step is to uninstall the loan app from your device. This will prevent them from sending you further messages.
  • Block the Lender's Number: You can also block the number from which you are receiving the harassing messages. Most smartphones have a built-in feature for this purpose.
  • Contact Customer Support: Many loan apps have customer support services. Reach out to them and express your concerns about harassment. Provide them with the details of the messages, the loan, and the lender involved.
  • Report to Regulatory Authorities: In Nigeria, there are regulatory bodies like the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the Consumer Protection Council (CPC). You can report the harassment to these agencies.
  • Review Privacy Settings: Ensure that you've reviewed the app's privacy settings and revoke any permissions that grant access to your contacts or personal information.
  • Legal Action: If the harassment persists and becomes severe, you may need to consult a legal expert to explore potential legal actions against the lender.

How do I delete contacts from a loan app?

If you've granted a loan app access to your contacts and want to revoke this permission, follow these steps:

  • Android: Go to your device's settings, find the "Apps" or "Applications" section, locate the loan app in question, and then click on "Permissions." You can then revoke the permission to access your contacts.
  • iOS (iPhone): Open your device's settings, scroll down to the list of installed apps, find the loan app, and adjust its permissions, including contacts.

When you delete a loan app, do they still have access to your contacts?

When you delete a loan app, it should revoke most of the app's access to your device, including contacts. However, it's essential to make sure you've adjusted the app's permissions as mentioned in the previous answer. Deleting the app alone won't guarantee that it can't access your contacts. Always check the permissions settings to be certain.

What are the threatening messages on loan apps?

Threatening messages from loan apps can take various forms, and they are usually aimed at pressuring you to repay your loan. Some common examples include:

  • Explicit Threats: Lenders might use strong and intimidating language, such as threats of physical harm or legal action.
  • Shaming and Public Exposure: Some lenders resort to shaming tactics, threatening to disclose your debt to your contacts, family, or employers.
  • Constant Harassment: You may receive a barrage of messages and calls, making it difficult for you to focus on other aspects of your life.
  • Fake Legal Notices: Fraudulent lenders may send fake legal documents, giving the impression that you are facing a lawsuit.

How do I get rid of loan messages?

To get rid of loan messages and stop the harassment, follow these steps:

  • Unsubscribe: If the messages are coming from a legitimate source, look for an unsubscribe option within the message. Click on it to stop receiving further messages.
  • Block the Sender: If the messages persist, you can block the sender's number on your smartphone. This will prevent them from contacting you.
  • Delete the Messages: Regularly delete the harassing messages from your inbox to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Report to Authorities: If the harassment continues or escalates, report it to the relevant regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies.
  • Legal Advice: If the messages are severe or involve threats, consult with a legal expert to understand your rights and potential legal actions.

Remember that debt collection in Nigeria is subject to laws and regulations, and harassment tactics are often illegal.


It's essential to protect yourself and your contacts from the harassment and threats posed by loan apps. By staying calm and documenting everything, you can gather evidence to support your case. Contacting the loan app directly and requesting a cease and desist can be effective in putting an end to the unwanted messages. It's important to notify your contacts about the situation and encourage them to be cautious. If all else fails, reporting the app to the appropriate authorities can help prevent others from falling victim. Remember, you have the power to take action and protect yourself and your loved ones. 

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